ESTEIO used the HxGN Leica RCD30 Penta aerial sensor to perform an aerial survey at the Vila Olímpica Park in Rio de Janeiro, venue for the 2016 Olympics Games.
The flight covers an area of just over 16 km2 in a total of 850 vertical photos and 3,400 inclined with pixel size (GSD) of 5 cm and 2.3 -3.5 cm respectively.
The images are awesome and show the greatness of this construction site. Enjoy a demonstration of the geometric and radiometric resolution power of this camera by watching the video below.
To get further details details of this technology, please be sure to read the article “Oblique Images” of Eng. Valther Xavier Aguiar, Technical Director of ESTEIO S.A. available here on the ESTEIO website.
Click on the image below to see the video.