The Hydroelectric Power Plant of Salto Caxias is one of the major hydroelectric Power plants to become operational recently in the state of Paraná. Its operation is located in the final section of Iguaçu River, in the cities of Nova Prata do Iguaçu and Capitão Leônidas Marques, at 350 km West of Curitiba.

To accommodate the families removed due to the misappropriation of flooded areas, ESTEIO was hired by Companhia Paranaense de Energia − COPEL (Energy Power Company of Paraná) to execute Aerial Photogrammetric Cadastre services of the areas destined to resettle these families.

Services developed included aerial photogrammetric coverage in 1:20,000 scale, in approximately 170 Km², the basic horizontal support of the region, stereocompilation in 1:5,000 scale of approximately 170 Km², with the purpose to obtain maps to elaborate resettlement projects.

The elaboration of the projects took into account standard plot size criteria, accesses and roads, ground quality, access to water, in addition to areas for common use, such as sports areas, school, community center, and others.

From the projects elaborated, a list of coordinates was prepared for the milestones that defined the plots of each resettled family.

For plots location, we used satellite tracking equipment, through the GPS system, in Real Time mode, which enabled us to introduce landmark coordinates and find in the field, in real time, the correct positioning of the landmarks that defined the plots’ boundaries.

This location system is composed of two sets of double frequency satellite trackers, two radios and accessories. A set (tracker + radio) was installed in a vertex with a milestone in the center of each area (fixed point) and with known coordinates.

By introducing the coordinates of the boundary monuments into the second set (tracker + radio), the position of the boundary monument was determined.

In this procedure, coordinates are corrected through the radio system and allow the definition of the accurate and referenced position of the desired point.

To monument this point, a standard landmark was used, with informative tag and witness landmarks in wood, with the purpose to guide the boundary’s alignment (direction) and the existence of a landmark in its proximity. With this procedure 653 plots were located, in addition to the areas of common use.

The main products of this service are highlighted below: