ESTEIO S.A. was hired by the company ATOL Agrimensura e Topografia Ltda (Agricultural Measurement and Topography, Ltd.) to execute LASER Profiling services over the range of a future TL − Transmission Line of 230 kV − named Sectioning − SE Santa Mônica located in the City of Colombo − Paraná. The area is covered by the 25º 25′ S and 25º 25′ S parallels of altitude and by 49º 05′ W and 49º 10′ W meridians.

The flight altitude for LASER Profiling was 1200 meters with respective LASER scanning width of 700 meters and length of 10.0 km. This survey was planned to allow an average spacing of 1.00 m between LASER points projected in the terrain.

Technological advances were significant in airborne remote systems for application in transmission lines, because they enabled a new view for Transmission Line draft data collection.

Laser Survey

Data needed for the draft were obtained with the Optech ALTM 2025 LASER Profiling system and supplemented with the Field survey to obtain cadastral information.

The quick data acquisition enabled the completion of the work in a few days, with 10 to 20 cm accuracy in geodesic referencing for the altimetric component.

The main applications of the LASER technology for Transmission Lines were:

Due to the multiple return condition provided by the LASER system, it is possible to identify approximation or contact points of hazardous elements to the Line structure. Similarly, another application pertinent to the process is verifying clandestine constructions invading the safety strips.


The Digital Terrain Model (MDT) originated from LASER Profiling enabled the preliminary survey of guidelines for future implementation of transmission lines.

Creation of 3D Digital Terrain Models (MDT) for geospatial processing.

Images generated from LASER points have the characteristic of representing the topography and vegetation cover in a graphic manner, which facilitates the visual interpretation.

Another product derived from this survey was the Digital Mosaic elaborated based on the digital video, forming a low resolution, georeferenced photographic composition of the range worked.

The result of the LASER profiling enabled the confection of the following cartographic products: