In the early 2011 Esteio executed aerophotogrammetric services for cadastre purposes and pipe-line detection over part of the Nordestão Pipeline Strip, more precisely over the part called Variante de Aldeia (Desviation of Aldeia), located along the municipalities of Paulista, Recife, São Lourenço da Mata, Camaragibe and Jaboatão dos Guararapes, in the state of Pernambuco, for the associated company GAS-TAG (PETROBRAS).

See below some activities performed for this service, as well as the main materials provided by Esteio.


A detailed flight plan was made in order to generate scale 1:1.000 color orthophoto maps, considering the following parameters:


The lidar flight to obtain the DTM point cloud considered the following parameters:


The cadastral survey considers legal and physical situation of the properties affected by the pipeline strip. Each Cadastral Information Form shows its Real Estate Registration, obtained in the Notary Public Office at the time of the cadastre, copies of the last tax payment receipt (INCRA or IPTU), as well as the identity card (RG) and the natural persons registration (CPF), of the owners and their spouses.
The physical cadastre is performed based on rectified images, with the fences and walls obtained by photogrammetric restitution. In the field, surveyors got precise information about property boundaries obtained by restitution, as well as precise information about artificial features and natural features (vegetation), about rocky areas, about flooded areas or irrigated areas for plantation, in rural properties.
Property boundaries of real estate reached by the pipeline strip have their place defined by the owners and their neighbors.


Cadastre materials are composed by the Cadastral Information Forms, the Descriptive Memorials and the Cadastral Maps of the strip domain. The Cadastral Information Forms contain information about the properties, the owners and their documents, which include photographic records of all (artificial and natural) features in the strip domain and information about quantity and details, of artificial and natural features (including vegetation), in the strip of domain. The Cadastral Information Forms are stored in the Cadastre Database, available in the WEB for specific users.


The pipeline mapping consists of locating each pipeline inside the strip domain, using electromagnetic conduction technique (PCM / Radio Detection) with terrestrial receivers and submersibles antennas, capable to locate a buried pipeline or a submerged one. Prior to locating a pipeline, the surveyor electrically isolates others pipelines close to this one, to ensure the flow of signal through the duct to be located and mapped. Together with the pipeline location, data concerning to its depth are recorded, this measurements are repeated within intervals of 20 m, each set of coordinates is related to a stake number.


In order to confirm pipeline location, trenches are opened, to prove the duct is in the place the PCM survey appoints.


At the conclusion of this work Esteio disposed the cadastre database in the WEB, also delivered the scale 1:1000 cadastral maps files and their printed copies. As intermediate materials, Esteio delivered the reports of the photogrammetric flight, the LIDAR flight, the ground control points, the aerial triangulation and the class of location survey (pattern of occupation), plus the orthophoto files, the digital terrain model (DTM) files, the contour line files and the photogrammetric restitution files.

All material delivered, intermediate and final, generated by the activities specified in the contract, were presented in a GIS, according to standard defined by PETROBRAS.