ESTEIO has carried out several Terrestrial Photogrammetry services in the building which currently shelters the Paranaense Museum, located at Generoso Marques Square, Curitiba downtown, to the effect of providing the necessary data for the preservation of such important property, resulting in a work tool for the following required steps of its preservation.

Such services resulted in Orthophotos and Photogrammetric Plottings of the fronts of the building and of some internal details, being created from images captured in the place and referenced by complementary measurements.

The plans and cutouts were made out of a “traditional in loco” metric survey, with the aid of digital photography and of complementary data from photogrammetry.

This project has been approved and made feasible according to Lei Municipal de Incentivo à Cultura de Curitiba (Municipal Law of Incentive to Culture of Curitiba), by process nº 15 295/99 framework nº 069/99. The SIEMENS company, settled in Cidade Industrial de Curitiba (Industrial Area of Curitiba), has been the rouser of this project, applying part of its ISS (Service Tax) in order to make such project feasible.